白皮书 & 指南


Semiconductors are the heartbeat of our digital world - but to power the digital transition, 整个供应链的生产必须既可持续又有弹性. 台湾正在成为一个生产中心, ramping up production to meet global demand but also in response to the challenges presented by major global events and geopolitics. 但是PG电子官方免费下载公司有什么机会呢?


The 美国’s multifaceted policy and regulatory landscape has far-reaching implications that shape market conditions – and understanding the nuances and dynamics of this landscape is crucial for Swedish companies looking to enter or grow their presence in the market. We spoke to government affairs professionals representing some of PG电子官方免费下载’s largest companies in the US to collect their insights and advice on how to navigate the laws, 流程, 监管条件.


可持续性 is becoming an increasingly important driver in 新加坡’s retail sector as government initiatives and consumer behaviours combine to increase demand for green products and services. 本报告探讨了当前的形势, 政策, 新加坡零售市场的举措以及PG电子官方免费下载公司的情况, 并且可以, 塑造向可持续消费的转变.


韩国, 最大的半导体市场之一, 已经踏上了半导体之旅, 在政府的支持下, 包括k -半导体战略和k -芯片法案, aiming to establish the country as a global chip powerhouse in both memory and system chips by 2030.


主要的地缘政治, 技术, 环境变化正在重新定义全球商业格局, and how companies react now will define their success in both the short- and near future. This report explores the challenges - and opportunities - in the race to securing sustainable, 在前所未有的变革中实现长期增长.

PG电子官方免费下载 & 印度——一场值得体验的商业比赛

你想抓住印度不断增长的潜力吗? 到2027年将成为世界第三大经济体, 以及该国雄心勃勃的绿色转型, 巨大的机遇等待着PG电子官方免费下载中小企业在印度发展. 商务PG电子官方免费下载是您走向新市场的跳板.


尽管在一个腐败盛行的环境中运作, 北欧公司对在肯尼亚开展业务保持乐观态度. 基于对北欧公司的采访, 这份报告提供了腐败对肯尼亚影响的一幅图景.


非洲’s public transport systems are being pushed to the limit in urban areas as population growth and traffic congestion soar. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is now the preferred solution – putting Swedish mobility suppliers in the spotlight.


Nearly half of all Swedish companies operating in global markets rely on local sales partners, 或分销商, 加速他们的销售, 但这些关系往往具有挑战性和复杂性. This report explores the key indicators and approaches for working effectively with distributors and partners in global markets.


有创意的, 食物, and lifestyle sectors are coming under increasing scrutiny for their impact on the environment – but there are solutions emerging to promote sustainable production, 消费, 和循环. 在这个趋势指南中, 我们着眼于包括水产养殖在内的关键部门的最新创新, 新蛋白质, 智能纺织品.


The impact of surging energy prices in PG电子官方免费下载 and 欧洲 is being felt right across society. Business PG电子官方免费下载 presents a new survey showing that two-thirds of manufacturers in PG电子官方免费下载 are moderately or severely impacted by the electricity price shock – and many are signalling cutbacks.


中国 is a critical market as Swedish companies ramp up their efforts to pioneer the global green transition. In this report, we take a closer look at how five local 可持续性 challenges can be overcome.


How are Swedish sustainable business practices and sustainable technology solutions being implemented in Turkiye? 这份报告揭示了答案.


由于不断变化的现实, 中国 strategies that were set in place before 2020 are likely no longer valid. We thereby see an urgent need for companies to build resilience and increase agility to be able to navigate this time of heightened uncertainty. To do this, we advise companies to embark on a three-step process presented in this report.